What we do

Children centre Sunshine

Every day, 150 to 200 Yazidi children come to the children’s center. The children’s center is a safe place where children can be themselves. Where they participate in social and educational programs.

Language lessons are given, there is time for storytelling, crafts and of course lots of outdoor play.

The cares of home slip away from them as soon as they rush through the gates.

Gives displaced Yazidi children a future

Get to know our team

Children club

Moqimi’s activities extend beyond the children’s center. Children’s clubs or ‘Shine’ clubs are also held weekly at other locations. The children really enjoy the attention and the time to play carefree, listen to stories and do crafts.

Literacy and more

The center is also a place for teenagers and adults. For them there are Arabic lessons, Shine programs and handcraft lessons.

Ultimate frisbee

Since 2020 we have been involved in setting up frisbee sport in the surrounding villages, as part of a larger sports development project of GIZ.

A mixed group of teenagers started learning how to play ultimate frisbee. They learned very quickly and soon we started with other groups in other villages. Now these trainingsessions have expanded and there are actually four Frisbee groups in the Sharia Valley.

It is a no physical touch sport. So it fits perfectly in this eastern culture where boys and girls are not supposed to interact openly.

Introducing this sport here is not just about getting a new generation fit and active. There are social goals associated with it. They learn about the value of peacebuilding, dedication and discipline, how to be a good loser, how to praise others, and learn to develop critical thinking skills.


Shine & Strength programs

The teenagers of this community have endured a lot. Most of them consciously experienced the flight from IS in 2014 and are struggling with memories that even adults can hardly comprehend.

As a teenager, it can be difficult to deal with all the changes in their lives anyway. Discovering who they are and who or what they want to become. And that in an environment where cultural and generational differences are immense.

During Shine & Strength, attention is paid to social values, discovering your character and personality. How to deal with anger and sadness. Shine is for girls and young women and Strength is the same program but adapted for boys.

"I am often sad at home. My father is no longer with us. In the center I can be myself and I feel welcome with my friends. The weekly Shine classes mean a lot to me. Even when they are over, I want to keep coming. "


"Our parents do their best to take care of us. But there are many of us at home. Two of my brothers are married. We all live in one house and we don't have enough income. Of course there are often quarrels. Here I can learn how I can deal with my anger. And I learn to understand others better."


Humanitarian Aid

The poorest in the community receive food parcels. These are usually families that do not have a breadwinner, where one of the parents has dropped out due to illness or divorce. There are regular distributions to the children of the center and elsewhere in the villages; such as shoes, clothes and school supplies. In emergency situations, we assist, for example to pay medical bills.

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